A Story About Style

About Me
Hello! My name is Sarah Kabala and I am a current student in the School of Public Health. One of my favorite pastimes includes watching children's television series/movies focusing on female protagonists such as Sofia the First, Spy Kids, Totally Spies, and Barbie movies, among others. I also enjoy watching and reading well-done cliché romantic comedy stories; a few of my favorites include Howl's Moving Castle, Chennai Express, and The Princess and the Frog. Because of their unwavering support and love, my family and friends are the most important people in my life.

Clements, Ron, et al. “The Princess and the Frog.” IMDb

Arnold, Justin “Japanese Animated Classics “Howl’s Moving Castle ``,''Ponyo `` Heading Home on Blu-Ray Disc, DVD on May 12 – Media Play News.

Shetty, Rohit, et al. “Chennai Express.” IMDb

Michel, David, et al. “Totally Spies!” IMDb

Rodriguez, Robert, et al. “Spy Kids.” IMDbRodriguez, Robert, et al. “Spy Kids.” IMDb

Richardson, Greg, et al. “Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses.” IMDb
Narrative Intro: Style as an album
Prior to Writing 220, a course under the Sweetland Center for Writing, my steps to completing my previous assignments were usually outlined and guided by templates and expectations from my instructors. It was only until I took a Journeys and Stories course (for my fellow freshmen, it is called History 197, and I guarantee that you will not be disappointed!) that I began to think about the stories I wanted to tell. This was also the case with Writing 220. It was the first time in my life that I was completely in charge of what I choose to write. In the absence of a specific template or topic, I was left with nothing but pure interest and a few experiments to guide me. I felt like I was shopping for a special occasion outfit with no clue of the occasion itself. In spite of being uncertain and unsure, I identified a piece upon which to build my new work. Based upon a piece on sustainable fashion, I initiated my first attempt at a flash-nonfiction essay, which led me to further ambition to present selected interviews I had with people about how clothes affected their daily activities as well as how daily activities influenced their clothes. During an interview with Mohamed Khashafa, a student studying Film, Television, and Media, we completely diverged from the conversation and ventured into talking about style in a way I never thought about before. In his view, style does not refer to just clothes, but also to furniture, art, and everything one owns that reflects their personality. When he asked me the question about what I thought style was, I could not answer. I was afraid that I was going to say something that was not as impressive or valuable. I was horrified to realize that I held such low regard for my own opinions on style, particularly since it is such an integral part of my life, occupying my mind as I consider what outfits I will wear on specific occasions and analyzing as I try to understand characters in movies through their evolving style. In an effort to learn to place weight on my own opinions, I put my experiment 2 project on hold in order to explore my thoughts on style as I revisited memories. It was entirely by chance that the Moth, a story telling event in Ann Arbor, had style as their theme, so with rules to write a story that was only 5 to 6 minutes that was mine to tell, that had a beginning, middle and an end I began my pursuit of answers and a story. This exploration led to a revaluation of a moment when I did not have a relationship with style, but with clothes and outfit planning encouraged by the culture of dressing up for church when I was only 6 years old in DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo). The relationship with clothing turned into a relationship with style when I started taking into account eternal influences and wearing what I liked the most. From there, my relationship with style developed along with my need to feel secure about myself. As a result, I have come to realize that for me, the first idea that comes to mind when I hear the word style is clothing. Style, to me, is the way in which we communicate past experiences and influences that show up in every outfit that we wear, even the ones we feel we did not put the least effort. All of these outfits paint our style and allude to past experiences that helped us make every little decision from the type of clothes we include our wardrobe, to the type of career we choose. In this way, the style of clothing that we own provides an album with all past memories. Through the following chapters I will present the story behind my "album" of memories through the way I styled clothes through the years.